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Brucite typically appears as colorless, white, or pale greenish-gray in its pure form. It often occurs as fine-grained masses or aggregates, although it can also form tabular or prismatic crystals. Brucite has a pearly to vitreous luster and a white streak.
Brucite is a stone that asks us to visit our thoughts and weigh our options before we take action. It harmonizes the process of bringing people together in groups or businesses, as it is a stone that promotes fairness and objectivity.
Brucite typically appears as colorless, white, or pale greenish-gray in its pure form. It often occurs as fine-grained masses or aggregates, although it can also form tabular or prismatic crystals. Brucite has a pearly to vitreous luster and a white streak.
Brucite is a stone that asks us to visit our thoughts and weigh our options before we take action. It harmonizes the process of bringing people together in groups or businesses, as it is a stone that promotes fairness and objectivity.
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