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Fossil Cave Bear Jaw

Age: 25,000 - 35,000 Years Old

Pleistocene Epoch

Species: Ursus Spelaeus

Specimen: Lower Jaw

Discovered: Carparth Mountains, Romania

Measures: 9' Long


Ursus spelaeus, also known as the Cave Bear, was a species of bear that lived during the Pleistocene epoch, approximately 1.8 million to 24,000 years ago. They were primarily found in Europe and Asia, and were known for their large size and distinctive, cone-shaped skull. Cave bears were herbivores and spent most of their time in caves, where they built nests and hibernated during the winter months. Despite their formidable size, cave bears eventually went extinct, likely due to a combination of climate change and competition with early human populations for food sources.


- The Pleistocene Epoch

The Pleistocene Epoch, which lasted from approximately 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago, was a significant period in Earth's history characterized by repeated glacial cycles and fluctuations in sea level. During this time, many species of large mammals, including mammoths and saber-toothed cats, roamed the earth. The Pleistocene also saw the emergence of early human species, including Homo erectus, and the development of human culture and technology. The epoch ended with the beginning of the Holocene, the current geological epoch, and had a significant impact on shaping the world as we know it today.

Fossil Cave Bear Jaw

SKU: Cave Bear Fossil Jaw $450

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