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Rose Quartz Massager 

Measures: 1" Each


- Rose Quartz Metaphysical Properties 

Rose quartz otherworldly properties, the image of unrestricted love and profound mending. Making trust, concordance, closer kinships, love, and inward harmony. A quieting gem with shocking recuperating powers radiating the sort of adoration and association with the earth found in moms. Reinforces and balances our dull profound reds inside the emanation, bringing pink to encompass and recuperate our internal injuries.


Frequently utilized in adoration spells and charms to draw in a perfect partner or twin fire. A stone of holding, combining to meet an objective, making a long life and satisfaction. Rose Quartz goes about as a neutralizer for negative energy, quieting a disappointed soul. During rest rose quartz safeguards and improves our fantasies. Permitting us distinctive visionary review of our evening time astral ventures and dreams.


Rose quartz precious stone has a remarkable tangible vibration tuning into what we want on a profound level, associated with friends and family and darlings. Rose quartz is the normal response for supporting the solace and recuperating of individuals going through melancholy and loss or something to that affect. Really the medical caretaker's precious stone contribution help and recuperating without asking rose quartz will track down close to home moves and assist with controlling them.


Rose quartz is especially valuable in the act of reflection, quieting the spirit with every breath. Set under your bed or seat while thinking upgrades the contemplation experience by clearing old energies inside the emanation and actual environmental elements. Put in the relationship corner of your home ( stand at your front entryway investigating your home, the relationship corner is the extreme right-hand corner ), rose quartz will send energy to the improvement and recuperating of your connections.

Rose Quartz Massager

SKU: Rose Quartz Massager
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