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Libyan Glass, also known as Libyan Desert Glass or Great Sand Sea Glass, is a captivating type of meteorite impact glass found in the Libyan Desert of Egypt. Its origin can be traced back to an ancient meteorite or comet impact that occurred over 29 million years ago. The impact's intense heat and pressure caused the surrounding silica-rich sand to melt and fuse, creating the beautiful and translucent pieces of Libyan Glass scattered across the desert.


Characterized by its striking yellow to greenish-yellow color, Libyan Glass stands out against the desert landscape. The glass fragments often display unique shapes, ranging from intricate sculptural forms to more typical splash-like patterns. Due to its distinct color and rarity, Libyan Glass has captured the interest of both scientists and collectors.


The precise location of the impact that formed Libyan Glass remains unknown, adding an air of mystery to its origin. However, researchers believe that the impact was powerful enough to produce a significant crater, although it may be buried beneath the desert sands.


Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Libyan Glass serves as a valuable scientific tool. The study of this impact glass provides insights into the dynamics of extraterrestrial impacts, helping scientists understand the geological consequences of such events. The unique composition of Libyan Glass, with its high silica content, distinguishes it from other impact glasses and terrestrial materials, making it a fascinating subject for geological and planetary research. Whether admired for its beauty or examined for its scientific significance, Libyan Glass continues to be a captivating and enigmatic feature of Earth's geological history.


Each fragment possesses its own distinct characteristics, varying in size, shape, color, and more.

Libyan Glass (Meteorite Impact Glass)

SKU: Libyan Glass (Meteorite Impact Glass)

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